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The Overton Window
The great corruption found in Ukraine!!

The government has shifted its position on almost all issues. When I refer to "the government," I mean both the Australian government and the United States government. These governments have three main objectives: they have been systematically shifting the Overton Window in a slow, deliberate manner. This gradual shift ensures that the decisions the government makes do not increase prices dramatically all at once. As a result, people have begun to trust the government more, and fewer people than ever not only distrust the government but also fail to fact-check what they hear or read. They believe that if information appears on trusted mainstream media outlets—such as CNN, CNBC, FOX, Nine Australia, Seven Australia, and many others in various countries—it must be accurate.
When we look back over time and compare living conditions from 1975 to today, February 23, 2025, we can see just how much the government has undermined the hopes of owning a home or business. This has been achieved through stricter lending criteria, longer employment requirements, and other barriers.
In 1975, a family of four could be raised comfortably with only one parent working. However, today, both parents typically need to work, and even then, they often cannot afford children and are far less likely to have them. On a single income in 1975, you could live comfortably, feed a family, buy groceries, and still have money left over for a restaurant day.
If I were purchasing a property today and wanted to live closer to a city—not even an expensive city, but a relatively affordable one in terms of location—the purchase price would range between a low of $800,000 (requiring significant repairs and new appliances) and $1.5 million. You would need an absolute minimum deposit of 10%, though most banks would require closer to 20% for that amount. If my partner and I, both earning 10% above an average salary, had a combined gross income of $170,000, we would face taxation of 48.5% plus a 1% Medicare levy.
The net figure would be $85,000 per annum. The average weekly bills we would have to pay include: $168 for electricity, $25 for health insurance, $62 for petrol, and $431 for the average cost of maintaining a car in Australia (including petrol, insurance, etc.). Here are some examples: a Toyota Yaris 2019 costs from $181 per week, and a Nissan Qashqai 2019 costs from $224. Dentist visits, costing around $300 each and occurring four times a year, add $25 per week. This totals $667 per week in expenses. Our take-home pay would be $1,362 monthly (or $136.20 weekly), and that doesn’t include rent, a mortgage, clothing, essentials like shaving cream, a phone, a laptop, HECS debt, or anything else beyond what is specified. Not only do you need a dual income to try to own a home, but you also can’t afford children—or, more accurately, can’t have them.
We can see this trend in Australia with figures like the former Victorian Premier, as well as President Biden, Joe Hockey, Kevin Rudd, and Scott Morrison, to name a few. Politicians don’t just use the Overton Window; they also employ several underhanded tactics, such as holding parliament until 3 a.m., voting on bills on the last day of parliament, and many more.
The government is not interested in your health and well-being. If you are caught doing something illegal in a foreign country, you are more likely to be used as a pawn in trade negotiations rather than receiving help from Australian consular staff.
For example, around the same time, a bag of marijuana was found in Bali, and there was also a model caught with ecstasy. The outcomes differed significantly: Chappelle Corby spent years in prison, while the model Michelle was home in less than three months. Another model caught with drugs returned home in less than a week. What were the differences? First, Chappelle had huge media coverage and requested consular assistance, which damaged her case—the more media attention, the less chance a judge and prosecution will accept a bribe. Michelle received a three-month sentence instead of 15 years because her parents paid a bribe, and the charges were withdrawn and changed. Finally, the Instagram model did not use consular assistance, avoided media attention, and her parents put up their house to pay off those involved.
Contrary to what most people think, the government doesn’t care about you. They have no interest in you or this country after you have voted. This applies to both sides of the political spectrum; corruption is, in fact, the only bipartisan decision, along with pay raises for politicians.
There are good and decent politicians, like Senator Rennick, but they are very few and far between. Today, more than ever, we need to be more vigilant and mistrustful of the government and demand transparency before we lose it all.
I have another article that provides further examples and advice, which I will link at the bottom of the page.
Article by
Trent J. Middleton
LinkedIn article as mentioned above
Ukraine’s secret police and Golden secret’s along with the reality on the ground in Kiev.
The world needs the truth and only the truth spoken without any bias or prejudice, firstly because there are too many false narratives and people in power manipulating the most amount of people they can.
The finds that have been uncovered in Ukraine recently show just how evil Zelensky is, he also is hiding in bunkers getting his picture taken by vogue and speaking on radio and television making statements that are not only incorrect he has no evidence to support any of these statements and has been getting away with this bullshit for years as not many stand up to him and speak the truth to the people he is infecting with his propaganda.
I understand that many may say that Russia invaded Ukraine, that may be correct however prior to this President Putin and his foreign ministers exhausted every available avenue to them to prevent this war.
Russia had entered Ukraine with a small number of troops to get Zelensky at the table for peace negotiations, this was witnessed by former Israeli PM and the Prime Minister of Hungary. The peace agreement had 2 key points the first being that Nato remain independent and not join NATO and the second for the Neo Nazi’s to be controlled by justice. The rest of the points were inconsequential troop numbers etc.
Zelensky signed this agreement and Russia prior to a single shot being fired started withdrawing his troops, whilst Russia was withdrawing Zelensky got a visit from a former UK Prime Minister acting as a messenger for Biden and told him to fight. Zelensky reneged on this peace agreement and the war started. The numbers of dead were and are not inconsequential however in over 1200 days of this war less died than Palestinians in Gaza in one month.
We now know that President Putin was telling the truth about the bio weaponry labs paid for by the United States and 2 scientists contracted the Ebola virus. The mortality rate for covid was around the same as the flu, the mortality rate for Ebola is over 90%. We watched covid infect every country in the world in weeks so if a virus like Ebola got lose and that is an incredibly reasonable concern given the corruption in Ukraine.
Along with these Bio weapon laboratories there were further finds which the main stream media do not tell us about, there are only 50 people in the entire world with RH null blood. Its commonly referred to as golden bloods. When Russia entered a state-run orphanage they made several discoveries, the first was that this state-owned orphanage was being funded by the USA, the patients there had their own doctor’s nutritionist’s psychologist and personal trainers along with dieticians and their meals were prepared by a chef. The people in the orphanage were of ages well over18 but were never allowed to leave, there were 22 golden bloods discovered in this orphanage as well as others who were carriers for deadly viruses that did not ever contract the viruses themselves.
RH null Blood is so rare a pint of this blood can sell for 100s of. Thousands of dollars, but what are RH null or golden bloods and why are they important. Everyone has a different blood type whether it is A B AB negative or positive there are also antigen’s in everyone’s blood there are 47 blood group systems and 360 known antigens in blood.
Golden bloods are so rare and their identities are usually kept highly confidential as they are universal blood and organ donors, making them invaluable for a rich person with a rare blood type that has little to know chance of finding a compatible match.
Approximately 1 in 6 million have RH null blood. America over though the pro Russian government and put in Zelensky to change the regime to a pro NATO and pro USA and UK government.
America made promises when the Berlin wall came down and then president Gorbachev agreed to leave Germany on the condition that NATO did not move one inch to the west, President Clinton started to encroach on former USSR countries and turn them into NATO countries, this is the start of the military industrial complex.
Articles by
Trent j Middleton
California deliberate or accident The insurance had to rise from 4x to 7x in a calendar year, the governor decided to limit the amount the insurance companies could increase policies by more than 5% a year Chubb stops writing policies in 2021 Tokio Azaria insurance companies were forced out of California by bad choices, they were forced to cover high risk policies at a loss the ca government cut 101 million in 2024 28m from wildfire resilience conservancies, 12m. from home hardening against fire 8m from monitoring research programs from ca universities 4m from forest legacy program and private home hub 3 million from an inner agency forest data hub.
55 out of 101 where is the 46 million in 2018 Trump told Newsome that stopping management from back burning and forestry scrub land removal, would be catastrophic, Feb 2024 117million gallons of water was removed from reservoir the reason it was drained was from damage to the cover from bird poo, Layfield group responsible for fixing the repairs in the covers, no answers the palladates dam, if there Dams were empty for a week they are usually pancaking, a California family owns half a trillion dollars of water they have a net worth of 8 billion. The Monterey agreement that allowed with the help of senator Diane Feinstein moved the water from California to farmland and made a huge profit.
A Secret Meeting in Monterey
After years of drought, in 1994, five of the largest SWP contractors participated in a closed meeting in Monterey, California. The Department of Water Resources (DWR) was at the table with the contractors. The purpose of the meeting was to rewrite the contracts that govern water allocation for the entire State Water Project.
After days of contentious meetings, a deal with the State of California was brokered by businessmen who saw the value of owning this highly valuable public resource. The secret meeting resulted in a pact known as “The Monterey Agreement – Statement of Principles,” which in turn became codified into policy known today as “The Monterey Amendments”.
It was in that meeting that the state gave away California citizens’ water rights and transferred it to a handful of large, privately owned corporations, which soon became the “Kern Water Bank Authority” in 1995. In the same meeting, the state also agreed to give away the underground water storage facility that DWR spent $74 million purchasing and developing.
In addition to handing over a resource meant to be held by the state “in trust” for all California citizens, the amendments to the SWP contracts included a lack of accountability regarding how much water the state was allotting to contractors. By deregulating the mechanisms of accountability, the contractors could effectively sell water that doesn’t exist, creating in essence “paper water” – water that only exists on paper (in contracts). Today, the state has already allocated 5.3 times more paper water than is available.
Stuart and Lynda Resnick own Paramount Farms and are two of the wealthiest farmers on Earth after stealing California’s water supply. After acquiring their 57.7% share of the water in the Kern Water Bank in 1994, they immediately doubled their acreage of thirsty, high-value specialty crops like nuts and fruit while their small-farm neighbours watched their fields and livelihoods wither due to lack of water – even in times of severe drought.
The Resnicks, as majority holders, and the Kern Water Bank Authority, can also sell stored water back to the state – water that ratepayers have already paid for – essentially getting paid twice for the same water.
This bill was pushed and paid for by a family using congresswomen Diane Feinstein now deceased.
This article is more than 9 years old
Here’s how much corporations paid US senators to fast-track the TPP bill
This article is more than 9 years old
C Robert Gibson and Taylor Channing
Critics of the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership are unlikely to be silenced by an analysis of the flood of money it took to push the pact over its latest hurdle
Wed 27 May 2015 22.30 AEST
A decade in the making, the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is reaching its climax and as Congress hotly debates the biggest trade deal in a generation, its backers have turned on the cash spigot in the hopes of getting it passed.
Barack Obama given 'fast-track' authority over trade deal negotiations
“We’re very much in the endgame,” US trade representative Michael Froman told reporters over the weekend at a meeting of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum on the resort island of Boracay. His comments came days after TPP passed another crucial vote in the Senate.
That vote, to give Barack Obama the authority to speed the bill through Congress, comes as the president’s own supporters, senior economists and a host of activists have lobbied against a pact they argue will Favor big business but harm US jobs, fail to secure better conditions for workers overseas and undermine free speech online.
Those critics are unlikely to be silenced by an analysis of the sudden flood of money it took to push the pact over its latest hurdle.
Fast-tracking the TPP, meaning its passage through Congress without having its contents available for debate or amendments, was only possible after lots of corporate money exchanged hands with senators. The US Senate passed Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) – the fast-tracking bill – by a 65-33 margin on 14 May. Last Thursday, the Senate voted 62-38 to bring the debate on TPA to a close.
Those impressive majorities follow months of behind-the-scenes wheeling and dealing by the world’s most well-heeled multinational corporations with just a handful of holdouts.
Using data from the Federal Election Commission, this chart shows all donations that corporate members of the US Business Coalition for TPP made to US Senate campaigns between January and March 2015, when fast-tracking the TPP was being debated in the Senate:
Out of the total $1,148,971 given, an average of $17,676.48 was donated to each of the 65 “yea” votes.
The average Republican member received $19,673.28 from corporate TPP supporters.
The average Democrat received $9,689.23 from those same donors.
The amounts given rise dramatically when looking at how much each senator running for re-election received.
Two days before the fast-track vote, Obama was a few votes shy of having the filibuster-proof majority he needed. Ron Wyden and seven other Senate Democrats announced they were on the fence on 12 May, distinguishing themselves from the Senate’s 54 Republicans and handful of Democrats as the votes to sway.
In just 24 hours, Wyden and five of those Democratic holdouts – Michael Bennet of Colorado, Dianne Feinstein of California, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Patty Murray of Washington, and Bill Nelson of Florida – caved and voted for fast-track.
Bennet, Murray, and Wyden – all running for re-election in 2016 – received $105,900 between the three of them. Bennet, who comes from the more purple state of Colorado, got $53,700 in corporate campaign donations between January and March 2015, according to Channing’s research.
Almost 100% of the Republicans in the US Senate voted for fast-track – the only two non-votes on TPA were a Republican from Louisiana and a Republican from Alaska.
Senator Rob Portman of Ohio, who is the former US trade representative, has been one of the loudest proponents of the TPP. (In a comment to the Guardian Portman’s office said: “Senator Portman is not a vocal proponent of TPP - he has said it’s still being negotiated and if and when an agreement is reached, he will review it carefully.”) He received $119,700 from 14 different corporations between January and March, most of which comes from donations from Goldman Sachs ($70,600), Pfizer ($15,700), and Procter & Gamble ($12,900). Portman is expected to run against former Ohio governor Ted Strickland in 2016 in one of the most politically competitive states in the country.
Seven Republicans who voted “yea” to fast-track and are also running for re-election next year cleaned up between January and March. Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia received $102,500 in corporate contributions. Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri, best known for proposing a Monsanto-written bill in 2013 that became known as the Monsanto Protection Act, received $77,900 – $13,500 of which came from Monsanto.
Arizona senator and former presidential candidate John McCain received $51,700 in the first quarter of 2015. Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina received $60,000 in corporate donations. Eighty-one-year-old senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, who is running for his seventh Senate term, received $35,000. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, who will be running for his first full six-year term in 2016, received $67,500 from pro-TPP corporations.
“It’s a rare thing for members of Congress to go against the money these days,” said Mansur Gadar, spokesman for the anti-corruption group Represent. Us. “They know exactly which special interests they need to keep happy if they want to fund their re-election campaigns or secure a future job as a lobbyist.
You down with TPP? An explainer on Obama's 'secret' trade pact
“How can we expect politicians who routinely receive campaign money, lucrative job offers, and lavish gifts from special interests to make impartial decisions that directly affect those same special interests?” Gidfar said. “As long as this kind of transparently corrupt behaviour remains legal, we won’t have a government that truly represents the people.”
This article was amended on 28/5/15 to include a comment from senator Rob Portman.
Article by
Trent j Middleton
Jan 28th 2025

How many Secret service failures does it take to prove it was deliberate.
Report to Congress and recommendations
June 11th a waring an article was written by Trent J Middleton, there was a request made personally by Form President Trump requested new and additional training and personal they denied to addition staff and training requests they denied counter sniper standard technology. Detail guarding Form president trump was not qualified to guard high profile targets. DEI was more interested in the colour of the ties they were wearing. The accountability was human, and no one has taken responsibility from the agents who failed how can there be accountability if the SS director cannot commit to fire staff or even restrain. The SS director should be fired.
Counter sniper technology that detects here shots are fired from.
Failure by 7 agents to protect Trump after shots fired, he saved his own life, 2 female secret service denied that addition secret service resources was a lie but 5 days later top officials denied requests from trump as the information did not come from a reliable source, they knew threat this request came from a counter terrorism agent in Australia, who had predicted this attempt on Trumps life.
SS state ted that denial of requests did not cause a threat to trump over 72 requests made after recommendation by T.J Middleton. Technology 17 times additional experienced agents 22 times denied. Inappropriate levels of staff training, the information was not forwarded in some cases. The protective detail had no protective experience and came from fraud.
Inappropriate details and manager prevention issues were put in place by using inexperienced agents and other law enforcement that was not given green light to shoot until the shooter fired first. No secret service needs permission to use lethal force when they believe a treat
Shooter fired 6.11 at 5.51pm police advised of the gunman no point was the rally paused several voices advised law enforcement of gunman and still the rally was allowed to continue. 2 mins before the shots were fired the secret service knew of threat but did nothing to do anything stopping the rally firing on target. 77 separate severe mistakes were made on the afternoon of shooting. The preliminary team identified the building where the shooter fired from was flagged AGS building, yet still placed outside ss perimeter.
Secret service has answered more questioned to a CBS reporter than to congress.
The failures are still ongoing and have not been dealt with the SS director refused to resign after admitting it was a colossal failure. A subpoena needed to be issued to get SS director to attend. SS director answered when asked by senator if SS was political, she said no in a previous statement she admitted it was. Is the SS service co-operating with the information given to Form President Trump by Trent j Middleton. Have all information requested by Trent Middleton been provided, no. Shooter spotted 57 minutes prior to SS acting.
The SS service has deliberately denied answering questions and not provided any coms not all coms. No SS have lost their jobs, number of SS personal have not been given training since incident.
The Australian agent identified issues with the investigation when making cold shots.
The rifle was set up and bedded with a scope for that exact distance bedded and the ammunition was manipulated with a lathe for lower ballistics co efficient and still not investigated. Stuart night resigned as a SS service agent when he made political affiliation comments. Yet these details failed more than they achieved. The SS is no longer adequate to protect Trump without an independent manager and investigations no answers 9 days after by SS.
The ballistics co efficient and scope bedding and changing for that distance showed that the active shooter had access to the weapon at least 15 days prior and had access to a lathe to manipulate the bullets, yet the SS conducted no investigation into this. Why don’t the SS know what an Australian CT agent does for a shooting investigation. 10 Days after shooting there are more questions than answers.
My advice to Form President Trump should employ addition and private security that have been checked retroactively. No questioned are being answered and it shows there was a motive to allow this shooter to succeed.
Nose length and boat tail increasing the nose Lenth by 1 calibre with increase the BC 12 % adding a boat tail will increase the BC by 15 to 20 percent
Aug 5 2024
Report to Congress Preliminary only
Trent j Middleton